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Rem esse laudantium veniam minima in tempora fugiat asperiores aliquid repellat placeat possimus
23 Apr 2024,10:16 PM
Healthcare and healthcare improvement has been among the most vital priorities for individuals and society, with various factors contributing to improving quality and length of life. Technology and information management systems are factors that facilitate the improvement of safe, quality, and efficient healthcare by facilitating a comprehensive, specialized, integrated framework for managing different healthcare system roles, like administrative, financial, and clinical decision systems. It assists healthcare quantitatively and qualitatively by automating and providing tasks previously conducted manually (Belmonte et al., 2023). Technology and information management systems' provision of accurate and reliable information dictates the basis for decision-making across all healthcare system segments (Malik et al., 2023). Utilizing technology and information management systems in healthcare institutions is vital for reducing medical errors and improving health outcomes, thereby promoting quality, safe, and efficient healthcare services. As such, the paper will involve the identification of nurse burnout as a specific clinical issue, its impact on patient safety, quality, and efficient care, and its accreditation or regulatory guidelines. An exploration of a comprehensive healthcare information system (HIS) as the proposed solution for addressing nurse burnout and a description of how HIS promotes patient safety, care quality, and efficient care delivery will follow. A decision-making model is proposed to facilitate HIS implementation, as well as an ethical or legal consideration of HIS implementation and implications of the model for advanced nursing practice. The paper concludes with a summary of HIS as the proposed solution and its intended influence on the clinical healthcare environment, in addition to a summary of the role of technology and information management in promoting patient safety, quality of care, and efficient delivery of care.
Clinical Issue
Nurse burnout, characterized by depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and decreased personal accomplishment, is a specific area of concern in the healthcare environment running rampant among healthcare professionals, not just nurses. It is caused by chronic and constant stress from one's occupation and is experienced by one in every ten nurses around the globe (Jun et al., 2021). Nurse burnout is experienced as a result of individual and organizational factors. Individual factors include marital status, gender, and prioritization of patients over the personal well-being of the nurses. According to (Shah et al., 2021), organizational factors emerge from the work environment, like administrative issues, high nurse-patient ratio, heightened electronic documentation, and scheduling difficulties.
Experiencing burnout as a nurse results in negative consequences for the nurse and the patient's safety. For starters, nurse burnout is related to nurses' lack of empathy for their patients. Due to the overworking and underrepresentation of nurses, patient safety becomes a struggle since the nurses' feelings of diminished value and importance can be passed on to them. As a result, patients are perceived more like numbers than real individuals since the lack of empathy eliminates the human element from interactions. Nurse burnout also negatively affects nurses' engagement with patients. Nurses with multiple patients have limited time for each patient, resulting in the pressure of working on the next item or individual. Patients noticing burned-out nurses can also withhold mentioning their pain, which causes adverse health outcomes. Nurse burnout is also a promoter of emotional exhaustion. As nurses, daily interactions with different patients create emotional degradation among nurses due to daily human interactions. Nurse burnout also negatively influences the mental health of nurses due to their frequent experience with anxiety, depression, and stress (Ryu & Shim, 2021). As a result, a state of poor mental health among the nurses affects the performance of nurses by creating difficulties when caring for others and putting the patient at high risk by negatively influencing treatment and recovery. Nurse burnout is also a facilitator of staff turnover, causing many nurses to leave their jobs and professions.
One accreditation or regulatory guideline regarding nurse burnout is the Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act (H.R.2530 and S.1113), supported by the American Nurses Association (ANA). This professional nursing organization represents more than 5 million registered nurses. The Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act creates a minimum nurse-patient ratio for each healthcare institution to solve nurse burnout (American Nurses Association, 2023). Therefore, ANA acts at the forefront of health quality improvement by promoting high nursing standards an ethical and safe work environment, reinforcing nurses' health and wellness, and advocating for healthcare concerns affecting nurses.
Proposed Solution
Integrating technology and information systems to address the nurse burnout issue involves incorporating a comprehensive health information system. A Comprehensive Health Information System (HIS) can address nurse burnout by streamlining workflows. HIS's automation of many routine tasks reduces the time nurses spend on paperwork, causing them to devote more time and energy to direct patient care to alleviate feelings of overwhelm and burnout associated with excessive administrative duties. A Comprehensive Health Information System (HIS) can also address nurse burnout by reducing administrative burdens and facilitating communication. HIS systems make documentation faster, giving nurses more time to focus on patient interaction and clinical tasks. The systems allow nurses to communicate effectively with other healthcare team members, thereby reducing delays in care delivery, improving collaboration, and promoting teamwork.
Implementation of the Proposed Solution