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05 Dec 2023,7:07 AM
Assignment title: The Influence of Ideologically Biased Media Exposure on Political Polarization
Part 1:
Explanation of Theory and Hypothesis
In today's world, media consumption is crucial in influencing people's attitudes and perceptions, mainly about political ideologies. This study suggests that exposure to ideologically biased news sources dramatically affects people's political perspectives, which may increase political polarization. The theory suggests that individuals exposed to ideologically biased news sources are more likely to hold polarized political views compared to those who consume more balanced media (Dahlgren, 2020). Biased media consumption is thought to reinforce certain political ideologies, intensifying polarization among people.
Dependent and Independent Variables:
Political polarization that act as, the study's dependent variable, is self-rated on a scale of 1 to 5, representing the degree to which people have ideological solid inclinations or opinions on divisive topics. Exposure to ideologically biased media is the independent variable measured on a scale from 1 to 10, representing the self-reported frequency and duration of engagement with limited news sources.
The present study employs a purposeful approach to operationalize and quantify the variables, thereby capturing and measuring the influence of media exposure that is ideologically biased on political polarization. Participants are asked to self-report their engagement on a scale of 1 to 10 to evaluate their exposure to ideologically biased media. This scale is intended to capture how often and how long they engage with news sources known to be limited. By measuring the amount and frequency of consumption from these sources, the research seeks to determine the different degrees of exposure people have to ideologically biased content.
Participants in the cycle provide self-reported ratings on a scale from 1 to 5 to measure political polarization. Respondents can express the degree of political polarization by using a scale that focuses on alignment with particular ideological positions or attitudes toward divisive and polarizing issues. Individuals say how much they lean toward extreme or opposing political positions through this self-evaluation, which sheds light on the degree of polarization present in their affiliations and viewpoints (Kubin & von Sikorski, 2021. By incorporating a variety of ideological perspectives and orientations, this methodology aims to capture the complex and multifaceted nature of political polarization.
Data Sources
Data for this study were obtained through a survey distributed among participants. The survey was designed to explore individuals' media consumption habits concerning political news, emphasizing identifying and assessing exposure to sources known for ideological bias. Respondents were asked to rate their exposure to biased media and provide insights into their political views, particularly concerning polarizing issues or ideological affiliations. Additionally, demographic information such as age, gender, education level, and political union was collected to investigate potential correlations between these factors and exposure to biased media.
The chosen data collection method aimed to directly assess individuals' perceived exposure to ideologically biased media and its potential correlation with their level of political polarization (Waller & Anderson, 2021). This hypothesis was formulated based on the assumption that media exposure significantly shapes political perspectives, intending to explore the influence of biased media consumption on the polarization of political views.